Tips to Make Your Closet Organized

1. Cleaning

Honestly, when is the last time you cleaned out your closet? I am sure we have those moments where we say we are going to wear it but never do. Go take a look in your closet or dresser and go through it with a naked eye. Do you really need to keep that dress from three years ago that you say you are going to wear one day? Maybe, see if there are any clothes with stains that never came out or even clothing with holes. Cleaning out your closet or wherever you store your clothing is a first step to having a neater and more organized section.

2. Section out by Season

Next, it's summer so why is half of your closet filled with winter jackets and heavy sweaters. You might ask to say, well I have nowhere to put them. If you are like me and have little to no space for each season of clothing go and get bins, one for each season if you want, and organize like that and store it at the bottom of your closet or in a separate area. Having my summer and spring clothing in my closet during this time is perfect. There is no need to see a heavy faux fur coat near my mini dresses. Take the time and look outside, is this appropriate for the season, and if you think so then keep it. What is important to remember is we want to make the most space possible to organize everything.

3. Color

Who doesn’t like to see something color coordinated? For me, it is pleasing to the eye and makes it easier when picking an outfit out for the day. I also tend to do monochromatic looks so for example, when all the pink-colored clothing is together I can make an outfit quicker. Having your closet either start from white to black and have all the colorful colors in the middle is great and you can also set it in whichever order you want but have the same colors together. When organizing by color remember not all the shades and hues are the same so take some creative leeway with this

4. Organize by Type

If you are hanging all your clothing, you can also organize your closet by type of clothing. Group all your dresses, tanks, shirts, long sleeves or short sleeves, skirts, pants, jackets separately. When building an outfit or even shopping you see that clothing is separated by group. Your closet should represent a mini-store, your mini-store. When you open that closet or dresser of yours it should feel like you are going shopping. To go into detail, from left to right, short/no sleeves should start when it comes to your tops and then pants should be shorts to jeans. Furthermore, skirts to dresses and lighter jackets to heavier jackets. To explain, you do not have to go this much into detail but to be more organized it’s a start in the process to maybe take aspects from this.


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