Style Guide for Milan

Recently, I have traveled to Italy for school. While packing, I was able to bring only a certain number of pieces. Upon some research, I learned about the dos and don’ts of what to wear here. The style in Italy is different in all its other regions. There is an assortment of Italian clothing styles that you can find inspiration from right on the streets. The primary contrast between Italian design and the styles reflected in different nations is clothing. In Italy, the general look is a more fitted, custom-made appearance. I have seen a more fitted look in the city and it is a look that I can get on board with. Italy's clothing styles fluctuate from the north toward the south. Milan and the north of this delightful nation have an entirely stylish and now and then ludicrous style.

In a city like Milan, home to Armani, Prada, and much more, it is smart to want to fit in. In particular, for a Fashion major like myself, it is significant to pay attention to what is trending in the city I live in. In the design capital of the world, the locals have upscale regard for fashion. Individuals living in Milan are different than what I am used to in America because of their fashion taste. Regardless of the country, it is essential to comprehend their clothing standard and stick to it, as a type of regard.

Here are a few looks on the dos and don't of what to wear in Milan, Italy.

Top 3 Do’s


Cute and Casual and a must need. People here are not showing up looking like a slob. If they are not in a nice suit or trousers, the casual look goes straight to jeans. Also, not skinny jeans!


Milan gives you the opportunity to walk everywhere. That is what people are doing here. In a city where the metro is cheap and walking 90% of what people do a good pair of sneakers is essential. Skip the cute stilettos because at the end of the day your feet will not forgive you.

Trench Coat

The weather here is not crazy and you do not want to be carrying around a heavy coat. The weather in the winter is maybe as low as the 40s during the day. Also, depending on where you are going this coat is the most versatile with any fashionable outfit.

Top 3 Dont’s

Cargo Shorts

Men and Women do not dress like you are going hiking. This is too casual for a place like Milan. Get a good pair of jeans to elevate your outfit.


Backpacks might be the easiest to store everything when going out but the chance of getting pickpocketed in a city is possible. Having a side bag or purse to keep your things close by will prevent it hopefully.


Avoid bringing too many leggings and sweatshirts unless you are going to work out. The only time you see people in Milan (besides tourists) wearing athleisure is when they work out.

When going to Italy, whether it is for a few days or a year like me, it is important to know what to bring with you. This is just a simple outline and what to bring and what not to bring. Of course, the season changes and, so do the rules of fashion in Italy so, keep an eye out and take some time to go on social media and see what people are wearing there. For more inspiration, check out my Instagram and interest which is linked.


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