2022 Color of the Year

It is almost the new year and with that comes new resolutions. The year to start off fresh, search for new goals and try out new styles. When it comes to fashion ; what says trying something new, by trying out a new color. Pantone has come out with there color of the year.

Pantone Color Institute ™ is a consulting service within Pantone that predicts global color trends and advises companies to use and incorporate color as a strategic asset in branding and product development.
As we move out of a period of intense isolation, our perceptions and standards change, and our physical and digital lives merge in new ways. With Covid still on the rise so is the use of technology. Also, the growth of the arts community in the digital space. This year PANTONE 173938 Very Peri is a fusion of modern life and how the color trends of the digital world emerge in the physical world.
Even though it was announced back in 2021, December 8, the color of the year will affect what we see in marketing and fashion. Inclusion of this color doesn’t have to mean rebranding but adding an update of what you already have. From graphic designs to marketing specialist to interior designers , this color can give a pop to the new year.
Trending products will been seen through the year and you will start to notice this color more and more if you haven’t already. What does this mean for upcoming trends for future branding? It means the futuristic aspect to the color could shape the futuristic style of clothing. The color represents technology and realty combining for the new year. The appearance of metal, high tech fibers, and much more gives a forecast into what’s to come.

If you want to check more information about the color of year you can go to https://www.pantone.com/color-of-the-year-2022

The color of year is so beautiful and unique it’s sometimes hard to figure out how to incorporate such a color. Whether you want this vibrant hue in makeup, accessories, shoes or clothes , many designers have already incorporated it into their shows. Below is a mood board to this years guide of how to style Veri Peri. Also if you click the board I have linked an article on how to style this color.


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